Malaysian’s government announced a wage subsidy programme as part of COVID-19 economic stimulus package. The purpose of this wage subsidy programme is intended to give financial assistance to employers who are undergoing cash flow difficulties and encourage all small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to retain their employees in this COVID-19 period.
Let’s find out what is wage subsidy programme and what to prepare for the application of this programme.
Other criteria:-
- Employer must be registered with or contributing to PERKESO ‘before 01.04.2020’
- Employer must registered with CCM (Companies Commission of Malaysia ) or applicable local authorities before 01.01.2020
- Employer must commenced operations before 01.01.2020
- Have at least 1 employee
- For local employees only, not applicable to foreign employees
- Employees with monthly wages of RM 4,000 and below, and contributed to Perkeso
- Employer not allowed to terminate / cut salaries or force employeee to take unpaid leave for a duration of 6 months (3 months during the period receiving the subsidies and 3 months thereafter)
Effective date
15.09.2020 Or Subject to the funds allocated by the government or any decision
Application method
Online application – Starting from 09.04.2020
Payment method
Payment to employer ‘s bank account within 7 to 14 days from date of approval
Definition of “Wages” – Akta Keselamatan Social Pekerja 1969 [Akta 4]
Perkeso FAQ dated 07.04.2020 Link: https://www.perkeso.gov.my/images/pengumuman/psu/FAQ_PSUWage_Subsidy_-_7April2020.pdf
Who is not entitled to apply wage subsidy programme
Supporting documents and Forms Required
Where to download the forms ? https://www.perkeso.gov.my/index.php/en/wage-subsidy-programme
Updated 11/04/2020 : No need company chop for PSU50 declaration form during Movement Control Order period
Guide To Prepare Documents
* What is BRN?
Perkeso published a video on 10/04/2020 to help all employers to understand the programme in more details. Please click here to watch :https://www.facebook.com/PERKESO.Official/videos/1630827310408183/
N.B.: This article is for general information purposes only and this article may not necessarily include further updates after this date due to government’s rapidly updates during this COVID-19 period. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site.
You are always advised to check for updates directly with the government authorities in situation of doubt.